Zoolz supports image previews (thumbnail and large) for the following photos/images in the My Computer tab inside your Zoolz online account for easier access:

  • .JPG and .JPEG photos.
  • The following raw image file types: .TIFF, .CR2, .RAW, .DNG, .NEF, .RAF, .ORF, .SRF, .SR2, .ARW, .K25, .KDC, .DCR, .MOS, .PNX, .CRW, .CR2, .TIF, .MRW, .PEF, .MEF, .RW2, .A7 and .A7R

If Zoolz does not support your RAW images, please contact the Technical Support so your RAW image type can be supported in upcoming updates.

If you are a BigMIND user, please check out this article.