Introduction Zoolz offers continuous data protection (CDP) through customizable scheduling settings. (Learn more) To ensure backups occur as scheduled, the computer must be powered on and not in sleep or hibernation mode. Additionally, the user must be logged into their profile. If these conditions are not met, the backup will be postponed. However, you can […]
Category: Other
Commonly Used Regular Expressions (RegEx)
Introduction Zoolz users can apply filters on their data selection to include or exclude specific data (files/folders) based on certain Regular Expressions. (Learn more) Commonly Used Regular Expressions Description Regular Expression Exclude any file/folder with word temp in its name, such as: – C:\Users\UserName\Desktop\Data\Temporary folder – C:\Users\UserName\Desktop\Data\Only temporary file.txt (?i)temp Exclude any file with the archive.pst as a part […]
What photos/images can be previewed from my Zoolz online account?
Zoolz supports image previews (thumbnail and large) for the following photos/images in the My Computer tab inside your Zoolz online account for easier access: .JPG and .JPEG photos. The following raw image file types: .TIFF, .CR2, .RAW, .DNG, .NEF, .RAF, .ORF, .SRF, .SR2, .ARW, .K25, .KDC, .DCR, .MOS, .PNX, .CRW, .CR2, .TIF, .MRW, .PEF, .MEF, .RW2, .A7 and […]

How to import your Outlook PST to Outlook?
If you are restoring an Outlook file to a new location or a new machine, you would need to import it inside Outlook for your emails to show. To do so: Select the Import and Export option under File in the top menu bar. Select the option, Personal Folders File (.pst) and click the Next button to […]

How can I format my external hard drive?
To format an external hard drive in order to be used for the Copy, Encrypt & Ship service of Zoolz, please: Warning! The below steps will erase everything on the drive and this action cannot be undone, if you have any important data please move it before formatting. Connect your external hard drive to your machine. […]