MSP: Manage Accounts/Users


To do that:

  1. Sign in to your Zoolz reseller account.
  2. From the left menu, select Accounts.
  3. Click on the Actions menu next to the name of the user that you want to edit his\her account and select Manage Account.manage account 1
  4. Now, you will see the dashboard of your user’s account. from the Users tab, you can:
    • Add users.
    • Delete users.
    • Suspend users.
    • Activate users.
    • Set limitation for the storage any user can use.
    • Reset password.
    • Change the user’s email.If this user has a business account, you will be also able to: Add, edit and remove policy.
    • Add and remove servers (if the user’s plan includes servers).
    • Change the Global Settings  under the Policies tab.
    • Show reports.