
This guide provides detailed instructions for deploying Zoolz to domain users via Active Directory. Note that this option is available exclusively for Business subscribers. Ensure that your server meets the following prerequisites:

Server Requirements:

  • Windows Server Edition: 2003 or higher, with the necessary roles and features installed and configured.

Required Roles:

  • Active Directory Domain Services
  • DNS Server

Required Features:

  • Group Policy Management
  • Remote Server Administration Tools
  • .NET Framework 3.5.1 Features

How to Deploy Zoolz via Active Directory

1. Sign in to your Zoolz online account as an administrator user.

2. Navigate to the Users / Servers page and click the AD Deployment button.

3. Copy the Deployment Token. Download the Zoolz MSI file (ZoolzSetup.msi) and the Deployment templates (ZoolzSetupADM.exe). Ensure the downloaded ZoolzSetup.msi is stored in a shared location accessible to all your domain users.



4. Run the Zoolz ADM setup (ZoolzSetupADM.exe). In the window that appears, select either Deploy User’s Policy or Deploy Machine’s Policy. For this example, we will use Deploy Machine’s Policy. Once finished, a Zoolz ADM file will be added to the `C:\Windows\INF` directory.

5. Open Active Directory Users and Computers on your server. Ensure all users you want to set up Zoolz for are added under Users in your domain. Each user should have an email address added (if the email field is blank, Zoolz will auto-fill it as `username@domain`).


6. Open Group Policy Management. Expand the Domains tree, right-click the Default Domain Policy, and select Edit.


7. In the Group Policy Management Editor window, navigate to Computer Configuration → Policies → Right-click Administrative Templates → Add/Remove Templates.


8. In the new dialog, press Add, select the Zoolz ADM file from `C:\Windows\INF`, press Open, and then Close.


9. Under Administrative Templates, you should see an entry called Classic Administrative Template (ADM). For Windows 2003, you will see the CloudBackup entry directly. Double-click Classic Administrative Template → Cloud Backup, then double-click Backup Settings on the right column or right-click it and select Edit.

10. In the Backup Settings window, select Enabled. Enter the Deployment Token copied in step 3 and fill in the necessary information. Click Apply, then OK.

11. To push the MSI installer to domain users, open Group Policy Management, expand the Domains tree, right-click the Default Domain Policy, and select Edit.

12. In the Group Policy Management Editor window, navigate to Computer Configuration → Policies → Software Settings → Software Installation. Right-click New → Package.

13. Browse to the location of the ZoolzSetup.msi file, select it, press Open, and select Assigned as the default in the next dialog.


14. The MSI installation will now be pushed to all users in your domain, along with the Zoolz settings.