Use this API to activate a suspended account.
Category: Reseller APIs
SuspendAccount API
Use this API to suspend a specific account, if it fails to commit payment for example or upon request.
ChangeAccountExpiryDate API
Use this API if you wish to change the expiry date of the account. Accounts that have been expired for more than 30 days may be subjected to deletion.
UpgradeAccount API
Use this API to update user’s storage, users by assigning a different plan to a user account.
CreateAccount API
This API will create user accounts under your reseller account.
Obtaining an Authentication token
For security purposes, with every API call, you must send your authentication token for proper authorization. Please note that APIs are only available with Full-Branding reseller account. To obtain your Authentication Token: Sign into your reseller account Go to My Account Under Authentication Token, your token will be displayed Click Generate Token to generate a […]